Kako izgleda oživeti bicikl iz pedesetih godina, gde naći delove i zašto to uopšte raditi, pitanja su koja se sasvim logično postavljaju kada poželite da uradite tako plemenitu stvar. Kolega Aleksandar (@geto_tebra) i ja smo se upustili u jedan takav proces i ni malo nam nije žao. Krajnji rezultat nas je učinio još srećnijim. Pogledajte kako je bicikl izgledao pre, a kako izgleda sada:
Posle dosta rada, truda i novih delova, bicikl je zablistao. Pre nego što smo počeli, naoružali smo se šmirglom, četkama i rukavicama. Ipak, priznajemo da nam dosta pomogao lokalni serviser koji je bicikl baš dobro tehnički pripremio za vožnju.
Na ulici, privlači dosta pažnje mladih posmatrača, a stariji su imali običaj da kažu “Eh, ovo će da služi kao tri nova!” ili “Od ovoga bolje nema…” Potrudili smo se da Vam fotografijama i videom pokažemo kako bicikl izgleda danas:
Obavezno pogledajte i kako izgleda reklama fabrike koja je proizvela ovaj bicikl. Zaista bajkovito.
Na Kupindu se nalazi bicikl koji prodajemo. Ko prvi do devojke (dečka), devojka njegova.
Haha, odlicna prica i jos bolji video! Svaka cas’, lepo uradjeno… nadam se da ce old-timer naci svog vlasnika. 🙂
@Maxi hvala ti na pohvalama. Priča, video i fotografije ne bi bili tako dobri da nam je bilo dosadno dok smo se biciklom bavili…
Uau, svaka čast :). Ja sam nedavno brzinac zamenila za klasičan bicikl, i presrećna sam – nadam se da će onaj ko kupi ovaj biti bar upola toliko srećan :).
Hvala ti.
I ja sam od skoro svoj mountain bike zamenila single-speed biciklom, i baš kao što kažeš presrećna sam. Čini mi se da više ne bih mogla da se vratim na brzinca za vožnju po gradu.
Imala sam to zadovoljstvo da ovaj bicikl “Partizanku” vozim na ovogodišnjoj Beogradskoj biciklijadi i stvarno je poseban osećaj. Verujem da će budući vlasnik biti prezadovoljan i da će uživati u vožnji.
I saw your video about the restoration of this classic bicycle. Good job and clean result !
It is probably the only video by now for the “FBP partizan” bicycle (beside the commercial one),
I recently bought one just like this, an old FBP Partizan Turist 28 large bicycle in fairly good condition, but I sense problem with the bottom bracket and I want to change it. So my question would be what is the type of bottom bracket and what is compatible nowadays, what I could use to make the change? Can you provide more photos for the crank-set parts set-up used in your project?
I would really be thankful if I get some pointers about this..
Wow, it’s so exciting to see a foreigner (where you’re from, btw?) is interested in this specific brand. 🙂 Bike restoration is not my profession, so I’m not sure if I’m really helping… but try Googling “delovi za bicikl Partizan srednji pogon” (translates to: “parts for Partizan bikes bottom bracket”) or similar phrase… Here are some results:
Try contacting the service shops (the last link, scroll donw).
OR wait to see if the authors of the blog can give you better directions hopefully. 🙂
Hello Ata,
I am glad that you like our bike and how it turned out.
Most of spare parts for our bike we got on Kupindo.
Bottom bracket was provided to us by our bike mechanic
who helped us during this process.
Unfortunately I can’t tell you which brand of bottom bracket he used,
because I do not have that information. He used one from the old bike he had in the shop.
I will put additional photos on my Kupindo offer where we are selling this bike.
Jbg, nisam se setio da mu kazem da pogleda na Kupindu / Limundu… 😀
Hey, thank you people for the response!
You are really helpful community.
I opened up the bottom bracket and I saw a very simple design.
The type of the bracket is THOMPSON:
The Thompson bottom bracket uses adjustable spindle cones and cups pressed into the bottom bracket shell like the Ashtabula bottom bracket. Unlike the Ashtabula crank, the non-drive side crank is removable, allowing for a smaller bottom bracket shell. Frames with either Italian or English bottom bracket shell diameters (independent of threading) may be fitted with Thompson bottom brackets. Thompson bottom brackets are rare. The design is similar to a typical hub bearing and theoretically supports the load better, but is hard to seal effectively against dirt and water.
I’m not that eager to write this text was copied from wiki, anyway this is how it looks like
Maxi you helped me a lot with the links !
MY bracket was good , It needed only little oil grease. But these dirt protective cups were squished (http://www.venerabike.com/proizvodi/delovi-za-bicikle/srednji-pogon-i-delovi/3605008/)
and they were making scratching sound, so I pulled them off and I can drive it without them …
I should probably order backup parts just in case I need them (before they close the production of this BBracket design somewhere in Taiwan)
Tank you very much
No problem Ata, I’m glad I’ve helped. Take care!
Keep on writing, great job!
Thank you! 🙂